The purpose of this guide is to help all those interested in understanding the more technical aspects of the emerging cybernetic communism. So far, there have been some introductory and some very advanced writings on this topic, with a conspicuous lack of ”bridges” between one and the other. At CibCom, we aspire to transcend this situation; we want to guide novices who venture into the (seemingly obscure) mathematical and computer science fundamentals of economic planning without ever having specialized in it or not having worked on it for some time. The general public may consult the document when they encounter difficulties in interpreting an algebraic idea or expression in any of these texts. It is especially extensive because we have not wanted to skip any of the explanations that are usually taken for granted in the treatises on this subject.



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  2. Никрлай Reply


    A new trend in Marxism.

    Professor of mathematics from Russia. He is a graduate of the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of Lomonosov Moscow State University. The author has constructed a mathematical model of Marx’s CAPITAL (parts).

    Book: «Marx’s Capital is thermodynamics.» Published in Russia in English.
    The results are as follows.

    1. The fundamental cost constant has been introduced.
    2. Marx’s CAPITAL turned out to be thermodynamics in political economy.
    3. The law of value turned out to be the Mendeleev–Klaperon equation from the theory of gases.
    4. The local cost law holds in tangent space only for an isobaric process.

    5. The problem has been solved: «How to measure consumer value?». This problem has remained unsolved for 150 years.
    The author’s theorem. The total consumer value is the ENTROPY OF the MARKET


    Marx’s calculation schemes are cosmological equations. They describe the movement of the entire global capital. The Hilbert-Einstein cosmological equations in general relativity describe the motion and shape of the entire universe. So Marx’s calculation schemes play the same great role in political economy. They describe the movement of the entire capitalist universe.

    But they are given by Marx in an abstract form. And it’s not easy to turn them into concrete mathematical and economic equations. The first person who tried to do this was the economist Leontiev. An American of Russian origin. And he won the Nobel Prize at Marx’s expense. But he said thank you to Marx. But Leontiev did it wrong. And his equations turned out not to be fundamental, but engineering.
    And the author of the book did it right, exactly according to Marx. And now it is possible to organize economic calculations based on Marx’s CAPITAL. But we need mathematicians and physicists. The work must continue.

    Marx believed that the mathematical model of CAPITAL would be able to predict the date and scale of a new global crisis. But Marx’s CAPITAL is a very complex book. Young mathematicians and physicists are needed to build a complete mathematical model of Marx’s CAPITAL. And then it will be necessary to incorporate the economic data of the world monopolies into this model.


    The book CAPITAL is the greatest scientific work in the history of mankind. Marx’s capital is immeasurably more complex than my favorite functional analysis. Marx’s capital is more complex than quantum mechanics and the theory of relativity combined. In the book, I showed that it is quite possible to build a quantum model of Marx’s Capital.

    Marx’s capital is not for humanitarians. Marx’s Capital is a book for new Gauss and new Hilberts. Only young brilliant physicists and mathematicians will be able to fully study Marx’s great work. And then the young geniuses will tell humanity that Marx’s book shows the way to save humanity.
    Humanity has not yet grown up to either Marx


    There are only humanitarians in the left-wing movement. There are almost no mathematicians, physicists, chemists, biologists, or computer scientists in the left-wing movement. And why? Mathematicians and physicists consider Marx’s writings to be humanitarian chatter. Both mathematicians and physicists do not respect humanitarian chatter. But my book will change everything.

    My book will attract scientific and technical youth to Marxism. And this is very important.

    Friends! Give the book to physicists and mathematicians.

    It is important. It is imperative that young mathematicians and physicists be attracted to Marxism.

    And Marx will return with the SECOND COMING, as promised in the German myths.

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